Michal M.


Hi ya'll Im Michal.

I grew up between Buffalo, NY and Charleston, SC and graduated from the New York Film Academy in 2008.

For as long as I can remember, I've loved animals and film. Growing up I was always getting into both, whether taking care of a new pet or making DIY movies with my friends. Fast forward to now, I’m your typical film buff Brooklyn cat lesbian ~ like you've seen in memes. I discovered one of my favorite musicians of all time just because I thought it was the best band name ever: CAT POWER. I've had four cats in total as part of my family and currently I am the proud stepmom of two senior gingers - Cape and Cutie.

I can’t say no to donuts, and am newly obsessed with longboarding.

One of my favorite fantasies is that one day soon we will have a way to translate all animals' speech into human language. I think that would change the whole world in an instant.